Learn about Kim Plath Biography, Teeth, Childhood Photos, Wedding Photos

Kim Plath is the mother of the conservative Plath family featured on TLC’s Welcome to Plathville. She is married to Barry Plath, and they have nine children, all of whom she is very close to. However, while she loves them dearly, we have to admit that she is a bit manipulative with her children, and fans don’t appreciate this aspect of her.

But that’s not all the reasons they dislike her. Whether it’s her vampire teeth or her stinginess in not sharing any wedding photos, fans are aghast. This Kim Plath biography explores more about her.

Barry and Kim Plath’s wedding photos

Kim Plath hasn’t shared any wedding photos with Barry. All we know about their wedding is that it was held in July 1997. Since then, the couple has welcomed ten children into the world—Ethan, Hosanna, Micah, Moriah, Lydia, Isaac, Amber, Cassia, Mercy, and Joshua (who tragically died at just 17 months old).

But now, it seems like their family is falling apart. After most of their children left home, Kim and Barry have hinted that they are getting a divorce. In season 4 of Welcome to Plathville, Barry stated that Kim was unhappy with their relationship. He mentioned that she felt like she was being taken for granted, which was a big wake-up call for him.

“The biggest problem was not winning her heart. Looking back on our relationship, I think I missed a lot of opportunities to show my love for Kim. Like we spent time hanging out, going on dates, it was a concept that I couldn’t act on, but for Kim, it was a problem,” Barry explained why his wife felt that way.

Surprisingly, this time, the world was on Kim’s side. Many people affirmed that the mother had finally come to terms with herself and enjoyed the freedom she was finally experiencing.

“She saw her children’s lives outside of the family and wanted to have that,” one fan commented.

How did Kim and Barry Plath meet?

Kim Plath first met her future husband Barry at church. Apparently, the two started out as friends, and it wasn’t until Kim heard God’s voice that she considered him a romantic partner. That’s right! Kim claims that God showed her that Barry was the man she was supposed to marry.

In addition, it was their unshakable faith in God and their will to keep their children away from the horrors of the outside world for as long as possible that made their relationship even stronger.

However, Kim has never revealed whether they met through an arranged marriage or dated each other before getting married.

What do we know about Kim Plath’s first marriage?

Kim Plath’s marriage to Barry was probably her first. They were married for over two decades and built a happy home based on their shared faith while continuing their day jobs. The mother was a naturopathic doctor while her husband worked in a private company as a transportation planner for 25 years.

And like any couple, not every day was a good day for them. They had their fights and jealousies, just to make their relationship stronger. For example, the time Kim invited her “friend” Nigell (from the gym) to the Plaths’ house for dinner, Barry got jealous.

At that time, the patriarch confessed that he was not the jealous type. But he felt that it was time for him to show his feelings. Seeing this, Kim felt loved and revealed that it was nice to see Barry being a little jealous.

Naturally, viewers then criticized Kim for bringing another man home and going crazy over him. They even labeled her as a narcissist, not only because of her behavior towards her husband but also towards her children. Well, considering Kim’s parenting style, behavior and actions, that definitely makes her a villain.

Kim Plath’s teeth

Kim Plath has three extremely yellow bottom teeth. And many viewers find it disgusting!

“Kim has a mouth full of horse teeth and not to mention the big gold tooth she shows every time she opens her mouth… Disgusting,” one fan wrote.

As for why her teeth are yellow, it could be because she drinks too much tea, or it could be because her porcelain teeth are old, or it could also be because her real teeth have aged.

Image of Kim Plath Young

Kim Plath has not shared any pictures of her when she was younger. But we can assure you that she is as beautiful now as she was when she was younger. She always had blonde hair and captivating blue eyes that got her into trouble a lot.

Yes! For those who don’t know, Kim lived a “wild” life before finding refuge in God. She once drove drunk, passed out, and woke up in a strange grassy parking lot. Using drugs and having sex, Kim also had many near-death experiences. “I went through some tough times in college because of my wildness,” she recalls.

But Kim doesn’t take full responsibility for her past. She had a difficult childhood. Her parents were alcoholics and divorced, and while her mother was technically present for most of her childhood, Kim explains that she wasn’t really there.

What is Kim Plath’s net worth?

Kim Plath boasts a net worth of over $3 million as of 2022. Much of that is thanks to her time on Welcome to Plathville. But in addition to being a reality TV star, Kim has a few other sources of income. She is a dance instructor and author, having written “Intuitive Motherhood – Trusting Your Body’s Wisdom for Birth and Beyond.”

In 2022, Kim also opened her own adult dance studio called Grady Central Dance Studio in Cairo, GA. The studio offers classes in ballet, belly dancing, krav maga, ballroom dancing, contra dancing, line dancing, pop line dancing, waltz dancing, and wedding dancing.

Regarding her education, she graduated with a degree in music from Florida State University.

Related FAQs

  • Does Kim Plath use Instagram?

No, Kim is not on Instagram.

But this is her Facebook.

  • When did Kim Plath have an accident?

In 2008, Kim suffered every parent’s worst nightmare. She was driving to move fruit trees when she lost track of her 17-month-old son Joshua and accidentally ran him over.

The reality TV star fell into a very serious depression afterwards!

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