Meet Actress Jordan Hull! Her Biography, Family, Height, Partner

Jordan Hull is an actress who almost gave up acting even before she landed her first role in The L Word: Generation Q. Now, she’s playing Adam Sandler’s daughter in the Netflix blockbuster Hustle.

Let’s learn more about her through this Jordan Hull Biography.

Jordan Hull is in a hurry

Jordan Hull plays Alex in Hustle. Her character is the daughter of Stanley (Adam Sandler) and Teresa Sugarman (Queen Latifah). In the film’s summary, her father Stanley bets everything he has on an unknown basketball prodigy, Bo Cruz (Juancho Hernangomez), including the well-being of his family. So you can expect a lot of family drama.

Speaking about filming, Jordan shared that Hustle was filmed in Philadelphia and Spain. However, the actress wasn’t one of the lucky ones who got to shoot in Spain. “But I stayed in Philly and it was the most amazing city ever. It was great,” she added.

Plus, thanks to her connections from The L Word: Generation Q, she got to travel all over town. “I went to a lot of museums in Philly because the art is crazy and amazing. Rittenhouse Square is amazing. You could walk around Philly for days and still have fun,” she recalls.

In addition to the locations, Jordan also talked about how the film was essentially shot in two segments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In October 2020, the crew spent several days indoors with Adam and Queen. “I would bring my guitar to set, we would play music, [and] Adam always had a speaker with him. So it was always just music and everyone got along really well between the crew and the cast,” the actress complained.

But while playing music alongside the star was great, for Jordan, the fun really increased when the cast filmed a second scene with the NBA players. Since the actress never watched the NBA growing up, she found it “cool” to be surrounded by top professional basketball players.

What is Jordan Hull’s net worth?

Jordan Hull’s net worth is under $250k as of 2022. Well, considering she only appeared in The L Word: Generation Q and Hustle at the time, that’s a fair number.

Unlike many other stars, Jordan never had a passion for acting. “I was really into acting,” she notes. It seems the talented actress never got into theater. Instead, she ran into an agent at a mall who said, “You should model and act,” and she agreed.

Likewise, her parents had a similar reaction. “It wasn’t like, ‘Okay, we’re moving to California.’ That was after I started getting better and really learning how to act and then loving it. But they were always there. They were very supportive,” Jordan recalls.

Perhaps this is also why she actually considered quitting right before landing her first gig with The L Word: Generation Q. As they say, easy come, easy go.

But all of that is in the past. Jordan has no plans to leave the industry now. Even more so, after receiving so much love from young people and teens for her role in The L Word: Generation Q. And of all the “loves,” the one that stood out to her the most was when the perfect person came up to her and said, “Oh my gosh, you play the mayor’s daughter on The L Word.”

Does Jordan Hull have a partner?

As of 2022, Jordan Hull appears to still be without a partner.

At that time she was more focused on her career than her love life. However, she was open to relationships and found that forever later.

Interesting Facts: Jordan has 3 dogs and 2 cats, the animals she loves most after her family.

Jordan Hull’s age

Jordan Hull was just 18 when she appeared on Hustle in 2022.

On her 16th birthday, Anne’s mom shared on her Facebook page, “Wow, this is a day I wasn’t sure I was ready for😬😂😂but Jordan is finally 16! Jord, we are so proud of you for following your dreams! Your faith and compassion for others is inspiring. Your kind heart and bright smile truly lights up the room.”

But this wasn’t the only day Anne praised her daughter. She was genuinely proud of the person her daughter had become.

Jordan Hull Height

Jordan Hull stands approximately 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall.

Does Jordan Hull use Instagram?

Sadly we can’t find her on Instagram.

However, this is her Facebook.

Jordan Hull Family

Jordan Hull comes from a family of five. However, they are not her biological family.

The actress was adopted and raised in Iowa by “white and wealthy” parents, Anne Bohlender and Jamen Hull. And so Jordan never faced “systemic racial injustice.” However, she did experience racial prejudice and was even called “Oreo” in middle school.

So what did they do? Well, Jordan’s father, Jamen, is a real estate agent who has worked with Norwalk Ready Mix Concrete, Inc. for 15 years, CEMEX USA for 4 years, and has been employed by Misty SOLDwisch Team since 2022. And Jordan’s mother, Anne, owns a nutrition brand called Arbonne.

Her parents, Jamen and Anne, are 42 and 49 years old respectively in June 2022.

As for her siblings, they are Joe and Jaiden Hull.

For those curious, her on-screen parents in Hustle are Queen Latifah and Adam Sandler and in The L Word: Generation Q are Jennifer Beals and Tina Kennard

Related FAQs

  • When is Jordan Hull’s birthday?

Jordan’s birthday is July 23 and he is a Leo.

  • Where is Jordan Hull from?

She is from Iowa but lives in Los Angeles, CA as of 2022.

  • Jordan Hull’s Ethnicity: Is She Mixed?

No, Jordan Hull is not mixed race. She may have been adopted by white parents but she has identified as black since she was a child.

“When I was younger, being in a room around a group of black people was very different for me and I felt like an outsider, but I feel like I’m catching up in a lot of ways,” she recalls.

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