Mutahi Kagwe Biography: Age, Daughter, Son, Family, Wife, Photos, Net Worth, Wiki, Today’s Speech


Mutahi Kagwe (born January 1958) is a prominent Kenyan politician who has been in office since 2002.

He is currently the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kenya.

He was the first senator from Nyeri Country in Kenya. He is married to Anne Wanjiku Mutahi and they have four children. He is an alumnus of the University of Nairobi.


Mutahi Kagwe
Mutahi Kagwe: History, Biography, Pictures
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Mutahi Kagwe
Born: January 1958 (age 66)
Year old: 63 years old
Place of birth: Kenya Colony
Nationality: Kenyan
Wife • Husband/wife: Anne Wanjiku Mutahi
Job: Politician
Net worth: $4,000,000 – $10,000,000

Early life

Mutahi Kagwe was born in 1958 in the Republic of Kenya.

He was raised by his mother and father in a small village in Colonial Kenya.

His parents encouraged him to pursue his studies seriously and he was very diligent as a child.

His academic activities later became the basis for his political career.


Mutahi Kagwe attended primary school at Kihate Primary School from 1965 to 1971. He obtained his Ordinary and Advanced Level results in 1977 from Kagumo Secondary School in Kenya.

After his O and A level results, his excellent performance earned him admission to the University of Nairobi and he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce. He obtained his MBA from United States International University (USIU) in 1992.


In 2002, Mutahi Kagwe was elected Member of Parliament for the Mukurweini Constituency. He served in this capacity for five years. As a Member of Parliament, he was the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Trade, Tourism and Planning.

He was appointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Information and Communications. As Cabinet Secretary, he launched the project to build the Transformative East African Maritime System, the first of its kind in Africa.

Another milestone achieved during his tenure as Cabinet Minister was Mpesa, the world’s first mobile money transfer system created by Kenya. It was a proud moment not only for the country but for the entire African continent.

He initiated a project called Early Childhood Education which aimed to improve the quality of education in Kenya. He also introduced the Kenya Cyber ​​Security and Protection Bill. He later became the first Senator from Nyeri County and served from 2013 to 2017.

Mutahi Kagwe is the new Health Cabinet Secretary of the Republic of Kenya. He assumed office in 2020 and together with Dr. Mercy Mwangangi, Patrick Amoth and Dr. Rashid Aman is responsible for mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through the creation of guidelines.

Personal life

Mutahi Kagwe is happily married to Anne Wanjiku Mutahi. Together they have children Kagwe Mutahi, Njoroge Mutahi, Nyawira Mutahi and Kahumburu Mutahi.

His wife is the daughter of the former Kenyan Environment Minister, the late John Michuki.

She is a financial expert and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) advisor to President Uhuru Kenyatta. He received an award from President Uhuru Kenyatta for his contributions to the Republic of Kenya.

Net worth

Mutahi Kagwe has an estimated net worth of $4,000,000 to $10,000,000, with the majority of his wealth derived from his political career.

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