DMX’s Daughter Praise Mary Ella Simmons Biography: Age, Mother, Net Worth, Instagram, Height, Boyfriend


Praise Mary Ella Simmons (born April 18, 2005) is a notable American celebrity child. She rose to fame as the youngest daughter of the late American rapper Earl Simmons, better known by his stage name DMX.

From the moment she appeared, Mary Ella attracted the attention of many, her name ringing with curiosity and intrigue. However, as she navigates the complexities of her burgeoning life, the young star stands on the brink of self-discovery, her path unfolding before her like a story yet to be written.

With the spotlight shining on her, Praise Mary Ella Simmons contemplates the vast possibilities at her feet, contemplating the path that will lead her to her true calling. With the world as her canvas, she embarks on a personal journey to discover her passion, purpose, and unique gifts.

Amid the ebb and flow of fame, Praise Mary Ella Simmons embraces the mystery of her potential, the inherent beauty of an unexplored future. As she charts her course through the maze of life, she remains willing to forge her own path, crafting a story that speaks to her true nature.

DMX’s Daughter

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In Praise of Mary Ella Simmons: History ‧ Biography ‧ Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Praise Mary Ella Simmons
Born: April 18, 2005 (19 years old)
Place of birth: Texas, United States
Nationality: American
Height: 1.65 meters
Parents: DMX, Tashera Simmons
Siblings: Xavier Simmons, Sonovah Junior, Tacoma Simmons, K’ydn Simmons, Exodus Simmons, Shawn Simmons, Aidyn Simmons, Sasha-Ann Simons, Aaliyah Simons, Jada Oden, Michelle Walton, Javon Wayne, Z’riyah Simmons, Emmanuel Simmons
Couple: Unmarried
Boyfriend • Partner: Do not have
The children: Do not have
Job: Famous child
Net worth: $12,000

Early life and education

Praise to Mary Ella Simmons, a wonderful soul born on April 18, 2005, who gently entered the world in the heart of Texas, USA. Her lineage is marked by musical excellence, as she is the beloved child of DMX and Tashera Simmons, her parents.

In her portrait of her ancestors, Praise Mary Ella Simmons embraces the love and wisdom of her grandmother, Arnett Simmons, and grandfather, Joe Barker. Her family portrait is further expanded by her beloved aunts, Shayla Simmons and Bonita Simmons, whose presence colored her life.

In the gentle embrace of kinship, Praise Mary Ella Simmons was raised alongside her three beloved biological siblings, Xavier Simmons, Tacoma Simmons, and Shawn Simmons, who accompanied her through the vast landscape of life. However, her family bond extends beyond biological boundaries, as she was also blessed with the warmth of 11 half-siblings.

Among Praise Mary Ella Simmons’ beloved half-siblings are Sasha-Ann Simons, Sonovah Junior, Aaliyah Simons, Exodus Simmons, Aidyn Simmons, K’ydn Simmons, Jada Oden, Michelle Walton, Javon Wayne, Z’riyah Simmons, and Emmanuel Simmons. Bound by love and shared experiences, they paint a vivid picture of interconnected lives.

As Praise Mary Ella Simmons moves through the realm of education, she dances with mysterious grace, holding her cards close to her heart. While her educational journey remains shrouded in secrecy, whispers from the wind suggest that she may have graduated from high school, beginning to step onto the brink of her next endeavor—a step toward the hallowed halls of higher education, where she can continue to blossom and thrive.

Personal life

There is no public information about Praise Mary Ella Simmons’s romantic history. However, based on interviews and other public statements, she is currently single and has never been in any relationships before.

Simmons has been open about focusing on her studies and not having much time for romance. Mary lost her father, DMX, on April 9, 2021. Her father passed away shortly after being rushed to the hospital following a heart attack caused by a drug overdose.

Congratulations to Mary Ella Simmons for not being married and having no children.


Praise Mary Ella Simmons, the graceful embodiment of youthful promise, holds her future aspirations, enticingly shrouded in a mist of uncertainty. With the delicate strokes of time adorning her canvas, we, the eager audience, await the revelation of the path she has chosen. Like a riddle wrapped within a riddle, the whispers of her career endeavors remain elusive, refusing to reveal their secrets.

Rumors have reached us that Praise Mary Ella Simmons has passed through the hallowed halls of academia, clad in the robes of a high school graduate. Now her eyes are set on the ivory towers of higher education, her heart burning with the desire to quench her thirst for knowledge. The coveted fields of higher education beckon, promising to nurture her budding intellect and fan the flames of her ambition.

In the current landscape of her life, Praise Mary Ella Simmons finds herself thrust into the alluring role of her late father’s prodigious child. With curious eyes, the world eagerly wonders whether she will follow in her rap father’s harmonious footsteps. Will she, too, delve into the lyrical labyrinth of music, leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving melody of her lineage?

Yet amidst the vivid mosaic of digital existence, Praise Mary Ella Simmons remains a ghost, an elusive fairy hovering just outside the reach of social media. This deliberate choice, a testament to the wisdom of her observant mother, protects her fragile spirit from the prying eyes of the virtual world. A cherished flower must first unfold its petals in the sanctity of privacy, nurturing its essence before blooming in the bright sunlight of public life.

Net worth

Mary Ella Simmons is believed to have an estimated net worth of $12,000. However, her source of income has not been confirmed at the time of filing this report.

Social media

  • Instagram Name: None
  • Twitter Username: None

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