Night Owls Cinematics Biography: Saga, Salary, Members, YouTube, Talent, News, Canceled, Ryan, Acra, Samantha, Sylvia, Wikipedia, Actor, Drama


Night Owls Cinematic (NOC) is a popular Singaporean YouTube channel and production company. Founded by Ryan Tan and Sylvia Chan, the channel produces a variety of content, including travel vlogs, challenges, and skits.

The channel has garnered a large following over the years, thanks in part to its high-quality production values ​​and engaging storytelling.

Night Owls Cinematic has been featured in various publications, including The Straits Times and Today.

Singapore YouTube Channel

Night Owls Cartoon
Night Owls Cinematics: History ‧ Biography ‧ Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Night Owls Cartoon
Stage name: NOC
Subscriber: 950 thousand
Channel: Night Owl Movie
Total views: 336 million
Nationality: Singaporean
Member: Ryan Tan, Sylvia Chan, Rao Zijie, Nicole Chen, Samantha Tan, Isabelle Quek, Anna En, Sherri Ashlee, Aiman ​​Haikal
Founder: Ryan Tan, Sylvia Chan
Job: YouTuber • Content Creator
Net worth: 407,000 USD


At the age of 16, Ryan Tan and Sylvia Chan started modeling part-time. Five years later, the couple started dating and at 22, they got married. After a failed attempt to open a Chinese restaurant, the couple founded Night Owl Cinematics (NOC), a production company, in February 2013.

Their training in YouTube videography and editing initially began at their wedding, where they began their career. They became full-time YouTube celebrities after the platform’s Shit Singaporean Girlfriends Say video went viral.

Ryan Tan handles the company’s commercial operations while Sylvia Chan handles cinematography, art direction and occasionally makes cameos in their projects. Their videos often use Hokkien and Singaporean colloquialisms, providing an insight into Singaporean culture.

In the “Media, Marketing & Advertising” category, Forbes included them in its 2016 30 Under 30 Asia list. After three years of separation, the couple announced on May 31, 2020, that their divorce proceedings were finalized.

Accusations, Sagas and Scandals

An anonymous Instagram account named @sgcickenrice accused Sylvia Chan of verbally abusing employees and creating a toxic work environment on October 7, 2021.

Sylvia Chan was singled out by Samantha Tan and given an “exit strategy.” Several companies, including Colgate and Milo, ended their partnerships with the business in response to the allegations. On October 11, NOC retaliated, calling the allegations a “massive” smear effort.

On October 13, Sylvia Chan expressed regret and admitted that she “failed to meet the standards that people expected of her.” She will no longer be a member of the NOC artist roster.

However, Samantha Tan, whose alleged abuse by Sylvia Chan was the source of this story, has pointed out inaccuracies in Sylvia Chan’s statement. On October 15, Mothership reported that an office similar to NOC’s headquarters had been listed for sale on CommercialGuru. The sale was later canceled the same day.

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