Paul Prenter Biography, Freddie Mercury’s Manager: What Happened to Queen’s Manager, Real Life, Name, Net Worth, Photos, Wikipedia, Death, Interview


Paul Prenter (born August 1946 – died 1991) was a famous English former manager and A&R.

He is managing Freddy Mercury from London, which allows him to predict the artist’s brand, etc.

Freddy Mercury was a famous English singer, songwriter and record producer.

Talent Management

Paul Prenter
Paul Prenter: History, Biography, Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Paul Prenter
Born: August 1946 (age 45)
Deceased: 1991
Place of birth: London, England, United Kingdom
Nationality: Older brother
Parents: Do not have
The children: Do not have
Height: 1.75 minutes
Siblings: Do not have
Wife • Husband/wife: Unmarried
Girlfriend • Partner: Do not have
Job: Talent Management • A&R
Net worth: 2.5 million US dollars

Early life

Paul Prenter was born in London, UK in August 1946.

Furthermore, he is a British national and has British citizenship.

Additionally, there is no information about his date of birth, parents, siblings or childhood.

However, we assume that his parents raised him very well when he was young in his hometown.


When it comes to Paul Prenter’s education, there is no information available about his educational background.

Furthermore, we can assume that he obtained an academic degree from a renowned British university.


In 1975, at a bar, Paul Prenter met famous rock artist Freddie Mercury for the first time.

After meeting the lead singer of Queen, he quit his job and joined the band’s management team. He helped the musicians during their performances and had a special bond with the lead singer, Freddie Mercury.

The story between Paul Prenter and Freddie Mercury started off well and they became friends. According to sources, he was also Freddie’s boyfriend.

They also had a romantic relationship for several years, which they kept out of the public eye. He used to support Freddie at his concerts when he was Freddie’s manager. After the release of Queen’s “Hot Room” album in 1982, the band’s relationship with their promoter deteriorated.

The album did not have the same level of success as Queen’s previous albums. As a result, everyone in the band blamed Paul Prenter for the album’s failure except Freddie.

Band members claimed that Paul Prenter was responsible for a number of management decisions, such as refusing to promote the album on the radio. According to Jim Hutton, Paul Prenter sold information about Freddie’s condition to a major newspaper, for which he was paid £32,000.

Some pictures of Freddie with other boyfriends. After these events, it was assumed that Paul Prenter and Freddie Mercury had ended their professional and personal relationship. However, he continued to manage the band for several more years.

Net worth

As the manager of the popular band “Queen,” he made a modest living. Paul Prenter’s net worth was estimated to be around $2.5 million at the time of his death.

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