Saudi Arabian woman makes history: Rumy Alqahtani participates in Miss Universe

Rumy Alqahtani, a 27-year-old model from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is stepping onto the global stage as the first Saudi Arabian woman to compete in the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant. And let me tell you, it’s not just a big deal for her – it’s a historic moment for Saudi Arabia and a sign of changing times.

Sharing his excitement on Instagram, Alqahtani couldn’t hide his joy at being part of this groundbreaking moment. And she’s not the only one feeling the buzz – people everywhere are talking about Saudi Arabia’s Miss Universe debut, thanks to her.

Following in the footsteps of Bahrain’s Lujane Yacoub, who rocked the stage last year, Alqahtani is breaking barriers and making history. It’s part of ongoing reforms pushed by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, aimed at giving Saudi women more opportunities to shine.

The Miss Universe pageant scheduled to take place in Mexico on September 18 is about to get a lot more diverse. Iran will also launch alongside Saudi Arabia. Talk about shaking things up!

Alqahtani isn’t just a pretty face – she’s also got brains and talent. With a dental degree and language skills that would make anyone jealous (English, French, Arabic – you name it), she’s ready to compete.

And let’s not forget her impressive list of titles – Miss Saudi Arabia, Miss Middle East (Saudi Arabia), Miss Arab World Peace 2021 and Miss Women (Saudi Arabia Ut) – clearly she is no stranger to the spotlight.

But not everyone is cheering her on. Conservative voices, especially in places like Nigeria, are protesting and sparking debate about her participation. But for Alqahtani, this is about breaking down barriers and paving the way for more Saudi women to pursue their dreams.

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