Tonto Dikeh arrests VeryDarkMan for cyberbullying

Popular Nollywood actress and political figure Tonto Dikeh is taking matters into her own hands again, reportedly arresting controversial influencer VeryDarkMan (VDM). Reason? The allegations of cyberbullying and threats against Tonto’s life were fueled by VDM’s statement linking her to the infamous gossip blog Gistlover.

According to blogger Stella Dimoko Korkus, VDM found himself behind bars in Abuja, with Tonto Dikeh apparently taking the lead in his detention. The arrest marks a continuation of a saga that began earlier this year when Tonto first raised concerns about VDM’s online behavior.

The news of VDM’s re-arrest sent shockwaves across social networks, causing many backlashes from netizens. While some feel VDM’s outspoken nature may have finally caught up with him, others question the fairness of his detention, suggesting ulterior motives behind after Tonto’s actions.

Regardless of one’s view on the matter, it is clear that the ongoing feud between Tonto Dikeh and VDM is far from over. As the online community eagerly awaits further updates, one thing is certain: the world of social media remains as unpredictable and controversial as ever.

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