Whittakers Biography: Everything You Need to Know About the Most Inbred Family Tree

The Whittakers are considered the most closely related family in the United States because all members are related; however, recent records show that their parents were cousins ​​and not siblings as previously thought.

Because the Whittakers were related by blood and biology, no one could piece together their family history.

Additionally, the neighborhood where the Whittakers live acts as a barrier, hindering interaction with them. Furthermore, they conceal their family history, adding to the difficulty in unraveling their past.

However, in 2020, a shocking video of The Whittakers’ lives gained widespread attention when it was uploaded to the Soft White Underbelly channel and went viral.

Since then, the Whittakers have been in the spotlight, sparking much speculation from many about what events may have happened in their family.


Name The Whitaker Family
Dad John Whittaker
Place of residence Strange, West Virginia
Video uploaded by Soft white belly
Day July 4, 2020
Video made by Mark Latia
Family members Lorraine, Ray and Timmy

Overview of the Whittakers family

The Whittakers are from Odd, West Virginia, where they live. They are considered the most common inbred family in the country.

According to the profile, the Whittakers became famous after being photographed by Mark Laita for his book Created Equal in 2004.

This proves how well protected the Whittakers are in Odd, West Virginia. Mark Laita revealed that when he tried to take pictures of the family, he received threats from neighbors and had to explain why he was doing so before locals would allow him to do so.

Mark Latia will be returning to the Whittakers’ home in Odd, Virginia in 2020. This time, he filmed a video of the visit that quickly went viral.

Mark Latia’s video, titled “Pureblood: The Whittakers,” has received over 19 million views, 250,000 likes, and over 12,000 disapproving comments.

In the film, the Whittakers, an elderly British family, are seen working on their father’s farm and living in a small town in Appalachia.

According to the video, the Whittakers family struggles to make ends meet in their small home with their many dogs.

Whittakers family members

Ray, Lorraine, Timmy, Freddie, an unnamed sister, three siblings and a cousin make up The Whittakers. However, it is believed that some family members remain uncontacted.

Doctors have yet to examine the Whittakers, but some believe inbreeding is to blame for some of their health problems. Their father, John Whittaker, worked as a coal miner while their mother, Gracie, looked after the family.

Unfortunately, John passed away from a heart attack, and Gracie lost her battle against cancer.

The Whittakers had four members, including two other brothers, Kenneth and Larry, who lived nearby. Kenneth and Larry were both fluent speakers. Notably, Larry named his daughter Betty in honor of her late aunt.

Many commentators from the Appalachian region have varying opinions on the Whittakers’ lineage and the potential factors that contributed to the siblings’ physical challenges and abnormalities. For example, Michelle Cole has expressed her views on the matter.

Known family members

  • Betty Whittaker (born 1952)
  • Lorene Whittaker (born 1946)
  • Timmy Whittaker (born 1979)
  • Ray Whittaker (born 1953)
  • Larry Whittaker (born 1956)
  • Kenneth Whittaker (born 1957)
  • Matthew Whittaker (born 1984)
  • Thomas Whittaker (born 1958)
  • Jason Whittaker (born 1978)

Known deceased family members

  • Barbara Whittaker (1940–2008)[9]
  • Freddy Whittaker (1944–2013)
  • John Whittaker (1950–2022)

Where do they reside?

The Whittakers live in Odd, West Virginia. The family lives in a safe neighborhood. They are not a place where people can approach them. Neighbors will chase away anyone who takes pictures of the family or makes fun of them.

Net worth

Mark provided them with food and money during his 2020 visit. According to the video, they lived in squalid conditions, and the Whittakers were likely unemployed and had low annual incomes in southwest West Virginia.

Mark also launched a GoFundMe campaign on November 11, 2021, to help renovate their home, specifically the roof and windows, which had deteriorated. The campaign raised about $46,500 to help the family. The money also covered medical expenses for Lorraine and Timmy’s heart attacks in 2020 and 2021.

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