Zorro (Musician) Biography: Age, Girlfriend, Wiki, Net Worth, Songs, Albums, Cars, Pictures

nigerian rapper

Sauron: History, Profile, Photos
Wiki facts and figures
Name: Owo Chimaobi Krismasna
stage name: Sauron
born: March 20, 1990 (34 years old)
place of birth: Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria
country of origin: anambra state
Country of Citizenship: nigerian
parents: not applicable
Children: not applicable
high: not applicable
Brothers and sisters: not applicable
Girlfriend·Wife: unmarried
Profession: Rapper·Songwriter
net worth: $500,000

Sauron Biography

Owo Chimaobi Krismasna Popularly known as Zoro (Zoroswagbag) is a 34-year-old Nigerian rapper, singer and songwriter.

Zorro incorporates the indigenous Igbo language into his rapping, giving it impeccable flow and delivery.

His lyrics are closely related to Igbo, a language spoken in the eastern region of Nigeria and one of the three main languages ​​in Nigeria.

Background and age

Zorro was born on March 20, 1990 in Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria. He received his primary and secondary education in the famous city of Onitsha in Anambra State, Nigeria.

Sauron Net Worth

Zoro’s income comes from concerts, endorsement deals, music business, etc., and his estimated net worth is confirmed to be $500,000, as shown in the table below;

Sauron Award

Sauron has successfully been nominated for several prestigious awards for his outstanding performance.

Sauron songs

Listed below are Sauron’s songs;

  • Achicolo (with Fino)
  • Ogene (special flavor)
  • Stainless steel (featuring sago)
  • church
  • African Bad Girl (featuring Oxlade)
  • Dahengzi
  • umbrella
  • nwinjem
  • culture
  • Harley
  • waka waka

social media

You can follow Zoro on Instagram via handle;

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