Acropolis shopping mall fire: A major fire broke out at the famous Acropolis shopping mall in Kolkata

A significant fire at Acropolis Mall in Kolkata sent shockwaves across the city around 12:15 pm on Friday. Emergency responders quickly mobilized to the scene, deploying many fire trucks to extinguish the raging fire. The incident occurred in south Kolkata, prompting authorities to evacuate the large shopping complex.

Origin and response

A fire broke out around lunchtime on the third floor of the Acropolis Mall in Kasba, a busy area of ​​the city. According to Press Trust of India (PTI), 10 fire trucks quickly arrived after the alarm was raised. Firefighters wearing protective gear and breathing masks entered the building to fight the fire. Fortunately, there were no reports of injuries in the incident.

Chaos and evacuation

Thick smoke enveloped the area, forcing the Kolkata Traffic Police to quickly regulate traffic around the mall. The air was filled with the pungent smell of burning material, adding to the sense of urgency among onlookers and passersby. The safety of residents became a major concern, leading to the rapid evacuation of facilities to ensure the health of everyone in the area.

Cause and effect

Amid the chaos, the exact cause of the fire remains a mystery. Although initial reports suggested the fire may have started in the mall’s food court, conclusive evidence only came from forensic examination. Meanwhile, authorities made efforts to control the fire, to prevent it from spreading and minimize damage to the building.

Recent incidents

The Acropolis mall fire comes on the heels of another alarming incident in Kolkata. Just a few days earlier, a fire broke out at a restaurant located in the heart of the city’s Park Street district. Although there were no reports of casualties, the fire caused widespread panic among locals and tourists alike.

Feedback and investigation

Firefighters quickly responded to the Park Street blaze, sending nine trucks to contain the flames before they could spread to nearby buildings. Thick smoke covered the air, forcing residents and office workers to evacuate. Fortunately, the firefighters worked together to extinguish the fire and prevent a major disaster.

Continuous efforts and accountability

Even as the immediate threat subsided, authorities remained vigilant, conducting a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the fire. Fire and Emergency Services Minister Sujit Bose assured the public that a forensic investigation would shed light on the incident. Furthermore, thorough review will go toward compliance with safety procedures, ensuring accountability and preventing future tragedies.


These two fires show how dangerous fires can be in crowded cities. While officials work hard to keep people safe, it is important that residents are aware of the risks of fires and take steps to prevent them at home. The quick and courageous actions of firefighters highlight why emergency preparedness can save lives and prevent major disasters.

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