Bakrid/ Eid al-Adha 2024 Namaz Time: Schedules and Regional Traditions in India

Bakrid Time/ Eid al-Adha 2024 Namaz

Eid al-Adha, also known as Bakrid or ‘Festival of Sacrifice’, is one of the most revered Islamic festivals celebrated by Muslims worldwide. In India, a country with diverse cultures and religions, Eid al-Adha holds a special place in the hearts of the Muslim community. It commemorates Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)’s willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God’s command. However, before he could perform that act, God provided a ram to be sacrificed. This event is remembered through Qurbani (sacrifice) of a pet, which is then shared among family, friends and those in need.

The celebration of Eid al-Adha lasts several days and is marked by special prayers, parties and charity. The focus of the ceremony is Eid namaz (prayer), performed in congregation on Eid morning. The timing of this prayer is important because it sets the tone for the day’s events and is an important part of religious observance.

Namaz Timings: A delicate balance

In India, determining the exact time for Eid namaz involves a delicate balance between astronomical calculations and religious traditions. The prayer is usually scheduled to take place shortly after sunrise, to allow enough time for worshipers to perform their Fajr (dawn) prayers in solitude before participating in Eid namaz shared.

The general guideline in most Indian cities is that Eid namaz should be performed at approx 15 to 20 minutes after sunrise. This period provides enough time for Muslims to gather at mosques or designated places of prayer, commonly known as Eidgah. The communal aspect of prayer is significant because it demonstrates the spirit of solidarity and brotherhood that Islam espouses.

Regional variation in time

India’s vast geography causes the sun to rise at different times across the country. Therefore, namaz times may vary from region to region. For example, cities in eastern India such as Kolkata may have earlier namaz times than cities in the west such as Mumbai due to earlier sunrise.

Additionally, local customs and practices may influence the scheduling of namaz times. In some areas, the community may wait for a specific signal, such as a cannon shot or a public announcement from local authorities, before starting to pray.

Find exact Namaz time

Given these regional differences and traditions, individuals need to seek accurate namaz times from reliable sources. Local mosques are often the main source of information because they adjust times based on moon sightings and geographical considerations.

In recent years, technology has also played a role in popularizing namaz times. Many Muslims now turn to online platforms, mobile apps and social media for updates. Websites such as and provide prayer times by location that are widely used by the Muslim community.

The role of the local Muslim Council

Local Islamic councils play a key role in determining and announcing namaz times for Eid al-Adha. These councils include scholars and experts who observe the moon to declare the beginning of Dhul Hijjah—the Islamic month in which Eid al-Adha falls—and then announce the dates and times of Eid prayers.

In India, organizations such as the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee and various state-level committees are responsible for observing the moon and declaring the date of Eid. Their announcement was eagerly awaited by Muslims across the country as they complete preparations for Eid.

Prepare for Namaz

Preparing for Eid namaz doesn’t just stop at knowing its timing; it also involves mental readiness. Muslims are encouraged to perform Ghusl (purification rituals), wear their best clothes (usually new or freshly laundered), and recite the Takbirat (declaration glorifying God) on their way to perform prayers.

The atmosphere on Eid morning is one of joyful anticipation as families gather together in their best attire, ready to pray before beginning the celebrations that include feasting and sharing with loved ones. others.


The namaz time of Eid al-Adha serves as a unifying thread that binds the Muslim community in India during this auspicious festival. Despite regional differences, the basic spirit remains the same: coming together in gratitude and worship. As Muslims across India prepare to celebrate Eid al-Adha in 2024, they do so with an awareness of tradition and a desire to maintain communal harmony through timely participation in one of the the most important acts of worship in Islam.

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