David Foster in hot water after calling wife Katharine McPhee ‘Fat’ in reenactment video

David Foster and his wife Katharine McPhee have been married for years, but social media users have criticized the singer-songwriter after an old video of him calling the singer “fat” resurfaced online.

TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains themes of body image and eating disorders; Reader discretion is encouraged

During an earlier performance, McPhee told the crowd that she met her current husband nearly 18 years ago when she was a contestant on the show. American Idol. Then, a photo of them together from 2006 appeared on the LED screen. At the time, Foster was a mentor to the contestants.

“Maybe you don’t know we met 17, almost 18 years ago when I was a chubby and cheerful contestant on ‘American Idol,'” McPhee said.

#body shamer Video of David Foster calling his wife Katharine McPhee “Fat” was reposted and caused outrage. Full video at: https://t.co/42xE8lZMOd pic.twitter.com/csxSBggptX

– Brightly (@BrightlyAgain) June 28, 2024

The famous music producer later told his wife, “Oh yeah, you’re so fat” while sitting at the piano during a concert.

His wife defended herself by saying: “I’m a little chubby, okay? I’m just young.”

After the video went viral on social media again, fans expressed disappointment at Foster’s comments, as many found them disrespectful.

“David Foster is superficial, likes significantly younger women. He looks like a grandpa. Drives me crazy,” one person wrote.

READ ALSO: David Foster Stopped Making Music Until THIS Opportunity Changed His Mind

“This breaks my heart. This beautiful girl will NEVER be fat. Don’t call your wife fat. Joking or serious,” one person commented.

“If he can say that in public, imagine the insensitive comments in private,” another added.

In a previous interview with Good Morning America in 2006, after her stint on the reality competition show, McPhee spoke candidly about her struggles over the years, saying she suffered from low self-esteem. As a teenager, she gained weight and began to suffer from an eating disorder.

“Yeah, so this little girl grew up thinking that being beautiful was the only thing that mattered… Because as soon as I started gaining weight, what was the most important thing? To look perfect,” she said .

When she auditioned for the show in 2005, the singer said it was around this time that her bulimia “really got out of control”.

Unfortunately, the disorder also affected her vocal cords, causing her voice to become hoarse and even bleed at times.

READ MORE: Is David Foster and Katharine McPhee’s marriage in trouble because of their age gap? ‘His era is different from mine!’

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