Eid ul-Adha 2024 Essay | Bakrid: Honoring faith and sacrifice

Eid ul-Adha 2024

Bakrid, also known as Eid ul-Adha, is one of the most important and revered festivals in the Islamic calendar. This festival, celebrated by Muslims around the world, marks the culmination of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and honors Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)’s steadfast faith and devotion to Allah. Bakrid, commonly known as the “Festival of Sacrifice,” commemorates the story of Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail to obey Allah’s command. In recognition of his devotion, Allah provided a ram for sacrifice, making this act an important moment in Islamic tradition.

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Here are 2 Eassy during Eid ul- Adha 2024:

1. Importance of Eid ul-Adha: A celebration of faith and giving

Eid ul Adha is an Islamic festival celebrated worldwide. This beautiful festival is the festival of sacrifice and is one of the special occasions for Muslims. This festival is held to honor the story of iBrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son’s smile as an act of obedience to the almighty god. The celebration of Bakra Eid reminds us of the values ​​of generosity, forgiveness, kindness, honesty, etc. In many countries, the day of Eid ul Adha is observed as a holiday for every family. Muslims can celebrate this festival properly while making eye contact, spending time with family, sharing with the needy and their neighbors. Eid ul Adha is a day of sacrifice, sharing love and showing compassion for your well-being.

During this festival, families gather together for celebrations, where men go to eat namaz in the mosque or designated place to wear wild costumes to strike their best, while women Women prepare the house for the celebration. This festival is a gathering of unity and reflection, where Muslims recite prayers to receive blessings and mercy from God for themselves, their families and those around them. This festival is a day of joy, gratitude and forgiveness.

The main thing of Eid al-Adha is the Qurbani tradition, of a sheep-goat, an account or a camel for sacrifice. This act of sacrifice demonstrates Ibrahim’s devotion and God’s mercy towards him as he obeyed God’s command. The needs of the sacrificial animal are divided into three parts: one part is kept for the family, one part is given to relatives and friends, the third part is divided among the people if you cannot afford to buy kurbani or give poor. Sharing Qurbani meat is always an act of blessing and compassion for others.

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Furthermore, this festival can be a family gathering and everyone can enjoy delicious dishes like biryani to a variety of non-vegetarian curries at different times. Sharing meals together at a family gathering helps strengthen the bond between members, the atmosphere is filled with love, sharing, care, etc. During this festival, in addition to distributing me for family, friends, neighbors, neighbors, the poor. You can also decorate your home and give gifts to poor people, neighborhoods or to family or friends, this will help you create a sense of community and improve your happiness.

Eid ul Adha not only teaches valuable lessons like sacrifice and the tooth but also creates and encourages a sense of happiness among others in the neighborhood and the poor. This festival helps us to think beyond ourselves and destroy the mountain of selfishness we have built over the years by distributing gifts, including Suez or any gift, to the poor and needy needy. If you cannot give gifts to others, you can share the message of Qurbani and express the message of helping others and spreading happiness, which will positively affect your happiness.

In short, Eid in Adhar is not just a holiday; it is the day when you can look straight in the face and seek mercy from God, tune into your happiness and community, and practice generosity by sharing or meeting with Qurbani. This festival remains a reminder of the importance of compassion and humility, one of the key characteristics of Muslims. When Muslims celebrate this festival every year, they honor their feet and try to embody the teachings of Islam within themselves towards kindness and love towards all.

2. Muslim Festival Eid ul-Adha 2024: Celebration of sacrifice and faith

Eid ul-Adha, also known as “The Festival of Sacrifice,” is one of the most important and revered holidays in the Islamic calendar. This festival marks the culmination of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, commemorating Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)’s steadfast faith and devotion to Allah. Eid ul-Adha 2024, like every year, will be celebrated by millions of Muslims around the world with prayers, sacrifices and community gatherings.

Historical significance of Eid ul-Adha

Eid ul-Adha originates from the story of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail, to obey Allah’s command. According to Islamic tradition, Allah tested Ibrahim’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his beloved son. Despite his deep emotional pain, Ibrahim willingly complied. However, just as he was about to commit the act, Allah intervened and offered a ram to be sacrificed. This act of devotion and obedience is commemorated by Muslims annually through the ritual of Qurbani, or animal sacrifice.

Spiritual and communal aspects

The essence of Eid ul-Adha lies in its spiritual and communal aspects. The day begins with a special prayer, called Salat al-Eid, performed in congregation. This prayer, often held in mosques or open spaces, is a moment of solidarity and collective worship. The sermon that follows the prayer emphasizes the themes of sacrifice, devotion, and compassion.

One of the central rituals of Eid ul-Adha is Qurbani. Families who could afford to do so would sacrifice an animal, such as a goat, sheep, cow or camel, to honor Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son. The sacrificial meat is divided into three parts: one third is given to the poor, one third is given to relatives and friends, and one third is left for the family. This act of giving and sharing reinforces the values ​​of charity, gratitude, and community.

Celebrations around the world

Eid ul-Adha is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy in Muslim-majority countries and communities around the world. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Indonesia, the holiday is marked by holidays, large parties and lively social gatherings. In the United States, Canada, and other countries with significant Muslim populations, communities come together to perform Eid prayers and celebrate with festive meals and activities.

In the United States and Canada, many Muslims gather for morning prayers at mosques or in open spaces, followed by communal meals and socializing. In Egypt, the day is celebrated with prayers, feasts and Qurbani rituals, with meat distributed to family, friends and the less fortunate. Similarly, in Pakistan, shops are closed and people focus on prayer, sacrifice and sharing.

The importance of sacrifice and charity

The act of sacrifice during Eid ul-Adha serves as a reminder of the trials Prophet Ibrahim faced and his complete submission to the will of Allah. It also emphasizes the importance of altruism and charity. By distributing the meat of the sacrificial animal, Muslims are encouraged to remember and help those who are less fortunate. This practice not only fulfills religious obligations but also fosters brotherhood and community spirit.

It is important to understand that animal sacrifice during Eid ul-Adha is not about giving flesh or blood to Allah but about the devotion and piety of the person performing the sacrifice. As stated in the Quran, “Neither their flesh nor their blood reaches Allah; it is your piety that has reached Him” (Quran 22:37). This highlights the symbolic nature of the sacrifice, intended to reflect the Muslim’s willingness to give up something of value in order to obey Allah.

Sunnah of Eid ul-Adha

Observing the Sunnahs, or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is an important aspect of Eid ul-Adha. Including:

– Perform Ghusl (purification ritual) before Eid prayers.– Wear the best clothes available, preferably new or clean.– Do not eat before Eid prayers.– Read aloud Takbir (praise Allah ) on the way to the prayer area .– Take a different route to return home after the prayer.

These practices help Muslims prepare mentally and physically for the new day, ensuring that they begin the celebration with a pure heart and soul.


Eid ul-Adha 2024 will be a time of joy, reflection and unity for Muslims around the world. This festival, rich in history and meaning, reminds believers of the importance of obedience to Allah, the value of sacrifice and the virtue of charity. By participating in the rituals and traditions of Eid ul-Adha, Muslims not only honor the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim but also strengthen their ties with the community and strengthen their faith . This sacred occasion is a powerful reminder of Allah’s blessings and the importance of living a virtuous, compassionate and grateful life.

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