Horrifying case near Mumbai: Man kills ex-girlfriend with wrench

Horrifying murder near Mumbai

In a gruesome incident near Mumbai, a 20-year-old man, Rohit Yadav, brutally murdered his ex-girlfriend, Aarti Yadav, on a busy street in Vasai. The horrifying attack, recorded on CCTV, took place on the morning of June 18, 2024, when Aarti was on her way to work. The footage shows Rohit chasing Aarti and repeatedly attacking her with a large wrench, eventually killing her.


The attack took place around 8.30 am in East Chinchpada area of ​​Vasai. Aarti Yadav was walking along a busy road, seemingly thinking about the day ahead, when Rohit Yadav suddenly appeared behind her. Without warning, he used a wrench to hit her on the head. The force of the blow caused Aarti to fall to the ground. As she tried to raise her head, Rohit continued to beat her, delivering 15 brutal blows until she lay motionless.

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Public indifference

Worryingly, the road was crowded with pedestrians but no one intervened to stop the attack. A man briefly tried to intervene but was pushed away and threatened by a furious Rohit. Onlookers, perhaps shocked or frightened, made no attempt to stop him, allowing the attack to continue unchecked.

After the attack

After the assault, another video recorded by a viewer showed Rohit standing over Aarti’s lifeless body, still holding the wrench. In a shocking display, he bent down, grabbed her face and screamed: “Why are you doing this to me? Why did you do that?” before attacking her again. He then threw away the bloody wrench and walked into the crowd, leaving a horrifying scene behind him.

Police response

Police quickly responded to the incident and arrested Rohit Yadav. They confirmed that he will be charged with murder. According to authorities, Rohit had been upset ever since Aarti ended their relationship. He suspected that she had moved on and found someone else, which apparently triggered his violent outburst.

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Rohit and Aarti are said to be in a relationship that recently ended. Friends and family mentioned that Rohit did not take the breakup well and became increasingly agitated and haunted by Aarti’s whereabouts and activities. This tragic event highlights the extreme consequences that can arise from unresolved emotions and uncontrolled aggression.

A broader problem

This incident is not an isolated case. It reflects a wider problem of violence against women, especially in relationships. The public’s reluctance to intervene in the attack also raises questions about society’s attitude towards such violence. Fear, indifference or uncertainty about how to react can lead to inaction, which in this case, has deadly consequences.

Legal and social implications

Rohit Yadav will have to face legal proceedings for his actions. The murder charge is very serious and if convicted, he could face life in prison or even the death penalty. The case could also prompt discussions about the need for better protections for women, especially those who have left abusive relationships.

Psychological insights

Experts say such extreme violence often stems from deep-seated issues such as possessiveness, insecurity and the inability to deal with rejection. Mental health support and counseling can help individuals deal with these emotions in a healthier way. It’s important to recognize the signs of potential violence in a relationship and seek help before it escalates.

Community responsibility

The incident also highlights the community’s responsibility to prevent similar tragedies. While it is understandable that fear may prevent immediate intervention, there are other ways to help, such as calling the authorities or creating a distraction to defuse the situation. Public awareness campaigns can educate people about how to safely intervene or assist in an emergency.


The brutal murder of Aarti Yadav by her ex-boyfriend Rohit Yadav is a tragic reminder of the dangers of unresolved emotional issues and the extreme violence that can result from them. It also highlights the urgent need for social change in the way we address and respond to violence, especially against women. As the legal process unfolds, it is important to think about the broader implications of this case and work towards creating a safer environment for everyone.

This heartbreaking case calls for stronger measures to protect individuals from domestic violence, better mental health support and a more proactive approach from communities in preventing tragedies so. Aarti’s sudden death was not in vain but will be a catalyst for change in the way we address and prevent violence in relationships.

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