Rubén Blades posted a strong video condemning Donald Trump

in Spanish

Panamanian artist and politician Rubén Blades today posted a strong message on social networks denouncing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, labeling him a “liar” and a “narcissist”. love”.

His words, aimed at Latino voters in key states, began by accusing the former president of spreading a “terrible lie” about immigrants. He also repeatedly asserted that “Kamala Harris is not a communist.”

In one of the most touching parts of the message, Blades said: “If my lyrics touch your heart, believe me when I say that voting for Donald Trump is an attack on the United States Constitution.” States and demonstrate support for the Constitution of the United States.” who want to see it disappear from the face of the earth.”

At age 76, Blades reflected on his life experiences, saying, “I’ve never seen “a figure as dangerous to democracy” as Trump. He recounted the persecution his father faced. under Manuel Noriega’s dictatorship in Panama and the attacks Blades himself endured as a presidential candidate.

Rubén Blades’ outright endorsement of Kamala Harris:

“Hello, I’m Rubén Blades. Donald Trump said that immigrants have poisoned the nature of America. A terrible lie. This country was built by immigrants like us. We I didn’t come to beg. We came to find work opportunities.” Our hard work, contributions and sacrifices have helped and continue to help the development of this nation.

In 1974, at the age of 29, I immigrated to the United States, following my family who left Panama in 1973 due to pressure from the Noriega dictatorship. Like many of you, we came to this country to escape political repression and seek the opportunity for a better life.

Today, at the age of 76, I assure you that in all my political experience, including my time as a presidential candidate in Panama in 1994, I have never seen a single dangerous figure. for democracy like Donald Trump. He has no real empathy or concern for the needs of the people. A narcissist who believes he is infallible and superior to experts in areas in which he lacks knowledge. Everything he has said and done indicates that if he returns to the White House, his intention is to use the government, even the military, to oppress and imprison those he believes as opponents, undermining the Constitution in the process.

I’m not making this up or playing politics. Let’s look at the facts. How can someone convicted of sexual abuse claim to be a defender of women? How can a person with no trace of spiritual life claim to be a defender of God and religion? How can someone who espouses white supremacist views, even calling them ‘good people’, claim to respect or support the ethnic, religious and cultural diversity that shapes America’s social structure?

Donald Trump claims to be the savior, the savior of humanity, but his actions and words reveal him to be an anti-Christ, completely contrary to the example of Jesus. On August 13, 2024, during an interview with Elon Musk, Trump stated that if Kamala Harris won the election, he would consider moving to Venezuela because it would be safer than the United States.

Why support a candidate who says it’s better than living under a dictatorship like Nicolás Maduro’s just to scare voters? Trump falsely accused the Democratic candidate of being a communist. Kamala Harris is not a communist. Kamala Harris does not support any dictatorship, whether in Cuba, Venezuela or Nicaragua, nor does she endorse regimes like those of Kim Jong-un or Vladimir Putin—communist tyrants whom Trump openly admires. grave and protection. Don’t be fooled. Kamala Harris is not a communist.

To Latino voters, especially in states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona, if my lyrics have touched your hearts then believe me when I say vote for Donald Trump is an attack on authority. Constitution of the United States and show support for those who wish it to disappear from the face of the earth.

Your example of a democratic system is a model of inclusion, tolerance, multiculturalism and fairness. For all of these reasons, I respectfully and sincerely request that this coming November 5, you will elect the first female president of the United States.

Kamala Harris represents the best logical and spiritual choice to help preserve the United States Constitution and the democratic continuity it upholds. Thank you for your interest.” – Rubén Blades

Originally published in Latin Times

Tags Donald Trump, supporter, Vladimir Putin

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