Britney Spears’ unsold $1.2 million childhood home attracts the attention of scammers

Scammers have targeted properties worth $1.2 million in an attempt to sell Britney Spears’ childhood home. Even though it’s been on the market for a while, finding a buyer for this iconic piece of musical history remains a challenge.

First listed in October, many individuals have considered converting the property into a contemporary version of Graceland.

The property has sentimental value to Spears, who made it her home in the early 1980s when she was three years old. Located in the quaint town of Kentwood, Louisiana, just a short drive from the Mississippi border, Spears lived out her childhood years in this one-story house, which remains a beloved family residence as of 2021, when her father, Jamie Spears, sold it for $289,000.

According to real estate agent Yvonne Hulsey, who spoke to The Sun, individuals posing as scammers attempted to buy the historic property.

“I have a lot of activity but no solid buyers yet. Lots of scammers, but I don’t have anything locked yet.”

“There are people interested in turning it into a bed and breakfast or a museum. You know, being an iconic property, there’s a lot of interest. I just don’t have anything certain.” chief.”

The newspaper also had access to never-before-seen photos revealing the unchanged state of the “Baby One More Time” singer’s childhood home. The house’s preserved antique beauty reflects the period when Spears lived there.

The home has a spacious living area of ​​2,200 square feet, three bedrooms and three bathrooms. One of the bedrooms, said to have been occupied by Spears in her early years, retains its charm with remnants of NSYNC stickers and pop-style decorations Another 90s nostalgia.

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Upon entering the mansion, one can admire the original artwork created by the Grammy Award-winning artist in his youth. Among them is a charming drawing depicting a house surrounded by blooming flowers and majestic mountains in the distance, as well as a heartfelt portrait bearing the message “Jesus cares about me!”

Husley told the outlet that the property is being sold with all belongings intact, many of which have sentimental value from Spears’ childhood days.

“There was writing on the concrete when the sidewalk was flooded. There was graffiti on one of the closet doors that said ‘Christina.’ [Aguilera] it’s terrible, and Britney is amazing.’ They were rivals, I guess, when they were kids, and I think they’re pretty good friends now.”

In 2021, during the sale of the house, Hulsey, the selling agent, noted that Jamie had left behind many items. Hulsey mentioned that he left behind some items of historical significance to his childhood home when he vacated the property.

“Chairs, sofas, end tables, knick-knacks, things like that, nothing really personal to Britney, but to the family I guess.”

Since the early days of Spears’ dance journey, the dance studio where she honed her skills has remained frozen.

“What is remarkable is how preserved the dance studio has been – the mirrors, the floors, everything is exactly the same.” [Spears] leave,” Hulsey shared.

Despite the Spears’ constant efforts to maintain the Spears’ belongings in perfect condition, finding the right buyer for the property proved challenging when the house had been on the market for more than 8 months.

READ MORE: Britney Spears bails at last minute before meeting family despite missing them: Report

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