CNN faces backlash for hosting unregulated Trump Town Hall

CNN recently held a sit-down with former President Donald Trump where they allowed him to spew lies and misinformation for 70 minutes without real-time fact-checking. Yes, you read that right – 70 minutes of non-stop Trumpian nonsense. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion, except the train is made of bullshit and the tracks are greased with the tears of fact-checkers.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, the person tasked with running this circus, did her best to fact-check Trump’s claims in real time, but she was no more effective than a screen door on a train implicit. Trump simply ignored her attempts to correct his lies and continued to ramble like a drunk uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.

The audience, which included Republicans and unaffiliated voters, clapped and laughed at Trump’s statements, including his comments about the January 6 insurrection and the 2020 election. It was like watching a comedy show, except the jokes were lies, and the audience was filled with people who still thought Trump won the election.

CNN defended its decision to hold the town hall, saying it was an opportunity to bring Trump to a wider public. But let’s be real here—this isn’t a town hall, it’s a Trump rally. The channel has given him a platform to spread lies and misinformation, and they have done little to stop him.

The backlash against CNN was swift and fierce. Critics accuse the network of failing to fact-check Trump in real time and allowing him to spread misinformation to a national audience. Some even called on CNN to apologize for the town meeting and fact-check Trump’s statements in real time in future appearances.

CNN’s failure to fact-check in real time is a serious problem. It’s one thing to give a politician a platform to speak, but it’s another to allow them to spread lies and misinformation with impunity. The media has a responsibility to hold politicians accountable and fact-check their statements in real time. If they don’t, they risk becoming complicit in spreading misinformation.

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