How to Start a Garden: Gardening Made Easy with 10 Tips for Beginners

How to start a garden

We all dream of having a beautiful garden in our home, but the task of making one seems like too big a responsibility. You may be confused about how you can create a garden. How does that process begin, what happens, and how do you end it? These questions will instantly disappear from your mind after you read this article as we will discuss the 10 simplest steps to start a beginner-friendly garden!

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1. Consider what to plant:

A garden cannot be an empty plot of land. It needs to have lots of lush, green trees and grass. You can choose plants depending on your needs, such as whether you want a flower garden, vegetable garden, herb garden, or a combination of them. There are many things to consider before choosing the type of plant you want to grow in your garden, such as the type of requirements the plant you choose may have.

2. Choose a good location:

The next step in making your own garden is choosing the perfect location. It’s important to note that most plants need about 7 hours of sunlight. Your garden should be set up in a space that receives enough sunlight and where plants can be watered easily. However, if your location does not receive sunlight, you can grow a variety of plants in the shade such as hostas and ferns outdoors. If you need more help, it’s best to talk to your gardener and ask them your plant-related questions.

3. Site clearance:

It’s best to choose a flat place that doesn’t require much moderation. However, if your land has a lot of rocks, it’s best to level it and clear it first. Remove excess soil and overgrown weeds that can hinder plant growth. You can use a gardening technique called the lasagna gardening method. Simply cover your garden with 5 layers of newspaper and add a 3-inch layer of compost on top. Water your soil and wait for it to decompose. Voila!

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4. Test and improve your soil:

Your soil must be healthy enough to support plant growth. Be sure to get the soil testing done by professionals as this is something you cannot do yourself. Once you get the results, study all the weak spots your soil has and fix them. Typically, soil used in housing projects has fewer nutrients and needs to be enhanced. This enhancement can easily be provided by adding any organic matter.

5. Prepare planting beds:

The first step in preparing the planting bed is to loosen the soil. Loose soil can easily access air, water and other nutrients and provide them for plant roots. You can use tools to till the soil or simply dig by hand. If your garden is small, digging by hand is the easiest and best option. Make sure the soil is moist enough and mixed with organic matter before planting.

  1. Choosing plants: You cannot choose plants at random based solely on their appearance. The plants you choose must be able to withstand the climate in your garden. For example, if your garden receives 3 hours of sunlight, you should plant plants that only need 3 hours of sunlight to thrive. Some easy plants to grow are marigolds, sunflowers, geraniums (annuals), pansies, phlox, Russian sage (perennials), tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and lettuce (vegetables).
  2. Start planting: Now begins the fun part. It’s time to get to work on your garden. Get your seed packets and make sure to read all the information provided on them. Before sowing seeds, make sure the soil is moist and not wet as wet soil can lead to seed rot. If starting from seed seems daunting, you can get small potted plants that you can take out and plant in the garden. Place plants at the appropriate distance so they don’t have to compete for nutrients. You can use your hands or a fork to untangle the tangled roots and then gently pat the soil after planting.
  3. Water your plants properly: it’s important to note that not all plants need the same amount of water to grow. If you have started your journey of growing plants from seed, make sure to water them according to the information on the packet. If you start with small plants, ask your gardener how much water the plants need. Our main motive is to keep the soil moist, so you should also know what type of soil is in your garden. Clay soil usually retains moisture while sandy soil does not.
  4. Mulch your garden: Mulching your garden is an important step because it prevents weed growth and keeps the soil moist. Munch will prevent direct sunlight from reaching the soil and thus prevent weed germination. Mulch can be made up of organic substances, such as bark, compost, and kitchen waste. Organic matter will provide your soil with lots of nutrients as it decomposes.
  5. Maintain Your Garden Regularly: Once a garden is built, you will have to take care of it regularly. Make sure your plants get enough sunlight and are watered according to their requirements. Continue to feed the soil with organic matter and be sure to cut back any weeds that may be hindering plant growth.

I hope that by now you are ready to start building your garden!

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