John Cena’s unexpected nudity at the 2024 Oscars attracts attention

At the 96th Academy Awards, Hollywood was shocked when wrestler-turned-actor John Cena took the stage in a headline-making moment. During an interaction with host Jimmy Kimmel, Cena took off his birthday suit to present the award for Best Costume Design.

The humorous exchange began with Kimmel mentioning a past Oscars incident involving the brilliant Robert Opel. Kimmel humorously considered the possibility of a nude interruption at this year’s awards show, leading to a surprise appearance by Cena.

Backstage, Cena humorously expressed reluctance about the stripes, citing the elegance of the event. Despite Kimmel’s insistence and teasing about Cena’s wrestling attire, Cena appeared on stage with a strategically placed envelope to cover his modesty.

Attempting to open the envelope, Cena passed it to Kimmel, who continued his presentation. To cap off this unique moment, Cena donned a yellow toga, adding a humorous touch to the proceedings.

Earlier in the evening, Kimmel’s opening monologue included hilarious quips about Robert Downey Jr.’s past, drawing mixed reactions from the audience. Despite the lighthearted banter, Cena’s unexpected striptease attracted attention, providing a memorable Oscar acceptance moment for viewers around the world.

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