Spice Girls to perform at Glastonbury 2025? Mel B teases fans about possible reunion

It’s been years since the Spice Girls reunited for a major concert, and many fans want them to reunite soon. More recently, member Mel C, better known as Sporty Spice, has hinted at the possibility of them performing at Glastonbury next year.

“Glastonbury goers are desperately hoping the Spice Girls will announce they’ll be there next year… Their appearance is sure to draw one of the biggest crowds ever at the Pyramid Stage,” predicts Jessica O’Reilly of Ladbrokes.

More recently, Mel C spoke to Chris Moyles on Radio X to share her thoughts on a possible reunion, saying, “there’s nothing I’d love more”.

However, she noted that her bandmates are still “making up their minds,” but the singer said she will continue practicing regardless.

“Shall we start spreading the rumor?… It’s not like there’s a rumor every year! It’s something you’ve never heard before! Let’s show it off!” she added.

As of this writing, festival organizers have yet to confirm whether the Spice Girls will perform at Glastonbury next year.

The recent news comes after all the members reunited earlier this year when Victoria Beckham, also known as Posh Spice, celebrated her 50th birthday.

In a video shared by her husband, David Beckham, all five members can be seen grooving to the tune of their 1997 hit song “Stop”.

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In other Glastonbury Festival updates, Emily Eavis, daughter of event founder Michael Eavis, confirmed to the Sun that they are in talks with a number of potential artists who could perform next year.

“We’ve been in talks with a number of artists about this. It’s exciting!” she said.

However, she also confirmed that the annual event would be cancelled in 2026 due to “a year without work”.

“(It will) give the land a rest. The festival before a fallow year is always an interesting festival to plan, because you’re almost cramming two years into one year,” she added.

Regardless, she was grateful to everyone who helped make this year’s event a success, adding, “I really want to thank everyone who made this year so special… This has got to be the best year ever. Every single member of our amazing and large crew played a vital role in making this event a success.”

This year, the Glastonbury crowd saw some of music’s biggest acts, including Coldplay, SZA, Dua Lipa, Shania Twain, Seventeen, Cyndi Lauper, PJ Harvey, Janelle Monàe and many more.

READ MORE: Glastonbury Music Festival 2026 Cancelled: Organisers Explain Why

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