Taylor Swift was harshly criticized, Travis Kelce’s insult caused a firestorm in the Swifties community: ‘This is the stupidest thing’

Taylor Swift, who was a global sensation even before she entered the world of sports through her relationship with Travis Kelce of the Kansas City Chiefs, has seen her fame rise to new heights. However, with great fame comes a lot of criticism – and this week, the spotlight has been on her.

In a scathing article in Newsweek titled “Taylor Swift Is Not a Good Role Model,” author John Mac Ghlionn did not hold back. He argued that Swift, at 34 and without a husband or children, is no role model for young girls. Her personal choices, he said, call into question her suitability as someone to emulate.

“At 34, Swift remains unmarried and childless, a fact that some might argue is irrelevant to her role model status. However, I think it’s important is to consider what example this sets for young girls. A role model is, by definition, someone worth emulating. Swift’s musical talent and business acumen are certainly there admirable, even commendable, but we have to ask whether her personal life choices are ones we want our sisters to emulate is a concern rooted in sound reasoning,” Ghlionn wrote.

Ghlionn didn’t stop there. He questioned the durability of Swift and Kelce’s relationship, suggesting that their future might not be as bright as some hoped. His criticism painted Swift’s carefully crafted public image as a facade, lacking the authenticity he believes young girls really need in a role model.

“While it’s true that young men need better role models, the same is true for young women. Swift and Kelce can last, and I hope they do. But, judging by their achievements her, the odds are not great. Sparking conversations, driving engagement, and generating profits is commendable. However, admiration should not be pursued blindly Her life, meticulously managed by a PR machine, represents a filtered facade rather than the true reality that young girls may not realize are role models authenticity and real depth, instead of fake stories and superficial glamour,” Ghlionn wrote.

Unsurprisingly, Ghlionn’s comments have caused a social media storm, not just among Swifties, but among women in general, who have fought against the notion that women are only meant to be child-bearers and that child-rearing should be considered worthy. While Swift is no stranger to criticism, this latest attack is particularly harsh and frankly shocking.

Netizens couldn’t help but point out the obvious in this criticism – it was written by a man. The comments section was labeled as disgusting and wrong. Another person said it was just a “silly” post.

Of course, this was written by MAN! Taylor Swift is not a good role model | Opinion​(https://t.co/YaWhKwtbZP)

The Eras tour was supposed to be #ERANow Tour.

“At 34, Swift is single and childless, a fact that many might argue is irrelevant to her status as a celebrity…

— 🌻 Lisa “ERA” Sales 🇺🇦 (@CABlueBlaze) June 27, 2024

Taylor Swift is not a good role model | Opinion – Newsweek…This is truly disgusting, woman-shaming, misogynistic, a load of bitter garbage masquerading as journalism. “Don’t hate her because you’re not her”😏https://t.co/fGklAV8ufb

– Eilís Breathnach (@bberrybeth365) June 30, 2024

I’m no Swiftie and this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read about her.

Taylor Swift is not a good role model | Opinion – Newsweek https://t.co/K39NWOmLSs

— teemcee (@teemcee) June 29, 2024

Some people agree that Swift is not a good role model, but that’s not because she’s not yet a mother or wife.

Taylor Swift is a bad role model for many reasons other than her marital status and not being a mother. https://t.co/YRkAB3cgg1

— Ola Ojewumi (@Olas_Truth) June 29, 2024

Despite the criticism, Swift continues to navigate the ups and downs of fame with grace and resilience.

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