G7 Summit 2024: Prime Minister Modi and Rishi Sunak discuss bilateral relations

G7 Summit 2024

On the sidelines of the G7 Summit in Fasano, Apulia, Italy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met his British counterpart Rishi Sunak. This marks their first face-to-face meeting since the G20 Summit in New Delhi last September, where they agreed to accelerate Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations. . These talks aim to increase bilateral trade, currently worth around £38.1 billion a year.

Also read:

G20 Summit 2024: History, schedule, list of countries

Focus on Free Trade Agreements

The India-UK FTA negotiations, which began in January 2022, aim to significantly boost trade between the two countries. The discussions, initially scheduled to conclude before India’s general election, were delayed and are now expected to continue after the UK elects a new government on July 4 This agreement is an important aspect of strengthening economic relations between the two countries.

Global and Indian cooperation

At the G7 Summit, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the importance of addressing global challenges through international cooperation. He said the main goal of his discussions with other world leaders is to address pressing global issues and promote international cooperation. By working with his counterparts, Prime Minister Modi aims towards creating a more promising future for all.

Highlights of the 2024 G7 Summit

The 50th G7 Summit, held from June 13 to 15, 2024, brings together leaders from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US along with representatives of European Union. The agenda includes the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Middle East issues, climate and energy links, migration, food security and the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence. Prime Minister Modi, representing India as an outreach nation, discussed global concerns in the South and bilateral cooperation with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Delegates attending the G7 Summit

List of G7 members

Nation Represented by Title
Canada Justin Trudeau Prime minister
France Emmanuel Macron Chairperson
Germany Olaf Scholz prime minister
Italy (Host) Georgian melon Prime minister
Japan Fumio Kishida Prime minister
UK Rishi Sunak Prime minister
USA Joe Biden Chairperson
European Union Ursula von der Leyen Chairman of the Committee
Charles Michel Chairman

Guest at the G7 Summit

Country/Organization Represented by Title
Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune Chairperson
Argentina Javier Milei Chairperson
Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Chairperson
India Narendra Modi Prime minister
Jordan Abdullah II King
Kenya William Ruto Chairperson
Mauritania/African Union Mohamed Ould Ghazouani chairperson
Tunisia Kais Said Chairperson
Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Chairperson
United Arab Emirates Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Chairperson
Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy Chairperson
Vatican City Pope Francis Supreme

Main developments at the Summit

Some important developments happened during the summit:

  • The US announced new sanctions against Russia.
  • The G7 has issued a warning to China’s smaller banks about their relationships with Russia.
  • Pope Francis addresses concerns about the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman missed the summit due to Hajj responsibilities.

G7’s ongoing support for Ukraine

Throughout the summit, there was an emphasis on supporting Ukraine. On February 24, on the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a video conference of G7 Leaders was held. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni chaired the meeting from Kyiv, along with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The leaders reaffirmed their unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and demanded clarification on the death of Alexei Navalny.

Background and preparations for the Summit

The G7 summit was chaired by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who emphasized the strategic partnership with Africa. Before the summit, several preparatory meetings were held:

  • On 7 February 2024, G7 Trade Ministers met via video conference, reaffirming their commitment to reforming the World Trade Organization and addressing global trade challenges.
  • On February 17, G7 Foreign Ministers met informally at the Munich Security Conference, expressing firm support for Ukraine and resolving regional conflicts in the Middle East and the Red Sea.
  • On February 24, on the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a video conference of G7 Leaders was held.

Important announcements and meetings

The summit saw a number of important developments. The United States has announced new sanctions against Russia, reflecting ongoing concerns about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Additionally, the G7 has issued warnings to smaller Chinese banks about their relationships with Russia. In a notable address, Pope Francis will speak about the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. However, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will not attend the summit due to Hajj responsibilities.

In summary, the G7 Summit in Italy was marked by important discussions and decisions. Prime Minister Modi’s meetings with global leaders, especially with British Prime Minister Sunak, highlight the importance of international cooperation and bilateral relations. As the summit takes place, the world will be closely watching and anticipating the positive impacts of these high-level commitments.

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